The “Classic Jersey Breakfast”
is a favorite way to enjoy Taylor Pork Roll.
The “Classic Jersey Breakfast”
is a favorite way to enjoy Taylor Pork Roll.
To make it, the Taylor Pork Roll is warmed until it sizzles on a griddle or in a frying pan (make three or four small cuts in the sides of the slice before frying to stop it from curling up) and then place it in a soft roll with an egg and a slice of melted cheese.
Restaurants and home cooks have also gotten creative with Taylor Pork Roll; topping hamburgers or pizza with it, folding diced pork roll into an omelet, soup, pasta or a macaroni & cheese dish, chopping it into hash, baked beans, a filling for tacos, or a batter for muffins, substituting it for fish in sushi or preparing a three or six-pound Taylor Pork Roll as a classic baked ham.
Being fully cooked, it can be enjoyed cold or heated or grilled to one’s personal preference. In fact, in almost any recipe that calls for bacon or ham, Taylor Pork Roll can take its place and make the dish even more tangy and delicious with a distinctly authentic taste of “New Jerseyana.”